Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Nonresidents registering with Labor

Wednesday, 15 September 2010 00:00 By Junhan B. Todeno - Reporter
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LABOR Deputy Secretary Cinta M. Kaipat says nonresidents have begun registering with her department as required by Public Law 17-1.

“People are registering steadily,” she said in an-email.

“Remember that we already registered many people because we did that together with other transactions, and we continue to do that so there is not necessarily any line for registration on any particular day. I expect we will have nearly everyone registered by the deadline, which is some time off.”

The registration window at Labor is open from 8:15 a.m. to 4:15 p.m., Monday through Thursday.
The schedule for registration is as follows:

• Sept. 7-24: Aliens in the 240K classification who are not already registered (current or former workers)

• Sept. 27-Oct. 14: Aliens in the 240G, 240H, and 240N classifications who are not already registered (current or former investors, students, and business owners)

• Oct. 18-Nov. 3: IRs in all classifications who are not already registered (current IRs of U.S. citizens, foreign workers, foreign students, foreign investors, and foreign business owners)

• Nov. 8-30: All other aliens regardless of status
Workers whose contracts are renewed during 2010 are automatically registered in the contract process and their new updated ID cards have been issued. The same is true for all foreign investors, foreign business owners, foreign students, and immediate relatives who already have CNMI-issued ID cards for 2010. Those persons are already registered and need not do anything further about registration this year.

“We are now working on registering all other aliens in the commonwealth, including immediate relatives, common law spouses, minors, victims of crime and aliens eligible under the Violence Against Women Act and all others,” Kaipat said in an earlier press release.

Registration is required of all aliens other than lawful permanent residents (green card holders), regardless of status. There is no fee for these registrations.

For aliens who do not have a prior-year registration or permit card, the documentation required for registration includes a passport-sized photo, a completed registration form, and personal identification showing birth date.

The registration form is on the department’s website, www.marianaslabor.net.

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